Puding Vla ala KFC

Sudah lama sekali saya tidak bereksperimen di dapur. Terakhir itu tahun 2013. Sekarang, rasa ingin bereksperimen muncul kembali (most likely bcos of not that many traveling anymore). Jenis eksperimen kali ini adalah puding (gara2 abis makan puding coklat buatan kakak yg eunak). Harusnya bikin puding coklat based on her recipe, but turned out I found another recipe from here, called Puding Vla ala KFC. Here's the end result :

Warnanya menjadi coklat muda karena saya menggunakan susu 1 liter, instead of mineral water. Oh, dan vla-nya, it's really delicious ... My parents love it ... My father even thought that I bought the pudding.

Next time, I'll use mineral water (to get that dark chocolate colour).
