Halal Sushi anyone? Try Sushi Bar

Habis nonton di kuningan city (the tickets are cheaper there), trus lapar. Akhirnya keliling cari makan di lower ground. Teman saya, si pecinta sushi, matanya ngeh aja kalau ada tempat makan sushi. Namanya Sushi Bar and it has halal MUI sign (that's rare). Actually, I'm not a sushi fan. But when I saw the menu and the price was not that expensive, oh ok then, let's try :D

Pas liat menunya, karena saya kurang mengerti tentang dunia per-sushi-an, jadinya milih yg familiar aja, Takoyaki dan Maehama Aisu (avocado with matcha ice cream). Teman saya memilih sushi package Masahiro set (tamago volcano, tobiko gunkan, aburi salmon belly) karena ada aburi favoritnya (gambar kanan bawah). Turned out, the sushi tasted nice. And I really really love the Maehama Aisu, addicted to it. Since then, I always order Maehama Aisu.  

Di kunjungan ke-2 dan ke-3 (yeah, we keep coming)  kami memesan Sashimi Salad (gambar kanan atas) dan Chicken Katsu Curry (gambar kiri). Never thought raw fish in sashimi salad could be that good. Apalagi dicoel dengan sambal hijaunya itu, beuh enaakk. Harganya murah pula (ok, I've mentioned it twice here).

So, if you are happened to be in Kuningan City, then try Sushi Bar. Go for Maehama Aisu and Sashimi Salad.
